DEA’s Target America exhibit comes to the U.S. Mint

The Old U.S. Mint, New Orleans

The DEA Museum’s traveling exhibit Target America: Opening Eyes to the Damage Drugs Cause, an interactive exhibit that explores the science behind the damaging effects of illegal drugs on the mind and body and the other tremendous costs associated with the production, sale and use of illegal drugs will be on exhibit at the Louisiana State Museum, Old U.S. Mint building in New Orleans, Louisiana from March 3, 2010 through November 24, 2010.

Fox8 did a story while the exhibit was being unpacked that details some of the contents. They reported that there will be “Local components” pertaining to the history of drugs in New Orleans from the 18th century to now.

There are a number of events planned during the exhibit’s stay including:

  • Jazz and Drugs: The Romance, May 8, 2010, 2pm – 4pm
  • Afternoon at the Museum, April 10, 2010, 1pm – 3pm (During French Quarter Fest)
  • Guns of the DEA, October 16, 2010, 2pm – 4pm

The exhibit is free and open to the public Tuesdays through Sundays 10am-4:30pm

Taking a look back at last year's Satchmo Summerfest

We thought it would be a good time to look back at the Times-Picayune’s coverage of last year’s Satchmo Summerfest.

For four days, lovers of Louis Armstrong enjoyed music, food and even a bit of education as the eight annual festival took over lower Decatur Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

Bands playing mostly traditional Jazz filled four stages and Jazz historians remembering the good old days paid tribute to the man many say made Jazz a household name.

Yes indeed, this city knows how to pass a good time.  The ninth year should be no exception.  The festival kicks off with a Keynote Speaker and the opening of the ‘Jam Session – Jazz Ambassadors Embrace the World’ photo exhibit at the Old U.S. Mint on Thursday July 30th.  The exhibit will be in the Mint all weekend (with air conditioning) for your enjoyment.  The festivities culminate with a weekend of world class music on three stages on the lawn of the Mint.

Check out the Satchmo website for all the details.  Enjoy!