Mr. Okra calls bullshit on the French Market

This award winning short documentary takes a look at one of the most colorful characters in the city, Mr. Okra. We follow him around the 9th ward and French Quarter as he shares thoughts on food and life in the city, including the story of his name. Particularly interesting is his take on the modern day French Market. “It’s gone”, he says, referring to the produce and fish markets. As he tours the market shaking his head, you can’t help but agree that it’s gone.


Krewe du Vieux den on fire Tuesday.

Krewe du Vieux is the best Mardi Gras parade of the season, and the only parade that rolls on Lower Decatur Street.  They may have suffered a setback for this upcoming season due to a two alarm fire at their den in the bywater.  Information is scant at the moment, but we hope losses were minimal and they can return in their full glory come Carnival season. story here.

Last chance to stop the cold storage plant

This email was passed along to members of the Stop Cold Storage in the Quarter/Marigny/Bywater! group on Facebook.

After Tuesday night’s BNA meeting where State Rep. Jared Brossitt announced that the Port was actively seeking a new location for NOCS and after thunderous applause I think it would be a good idea to contact your politicians one last time to ask that they consider changing the placement of the proposed NOCS facility in the French Quarter.

As you do or do not know the opposition continues to grow with ALL river front neighborhood organizations opposed including; FMIA, BNA, NOCCA, VCPORA and now FQC, (French Quarter Citizens)

Citizens will have one last chance to stop the proposed cold storage facility at the Governor Nichols Wharf at the foot of Elsplanade.  For more information about the issue and contact information for politicians see the Foubourg Marigny Improvement Association’s website